Pharmacists and Pharmacy Staff Members:

As you are aware, President Trump declared a national emergency in regards to novel coronavirus, known as “COVID-19”. Governor Kemp signed a Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency on March 14, 2020. The Governor, the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy, and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency (GDNA) work daily to assist pharmacists and patients through this crisis.

During the state of emergency, the GDNA will remain open to service our pharmacies and the public. The GDNA will continue to visit pharmacies with a focus on providing education and support to pharmacy staff regarding recent emergency orders from the Governor and the Board of Pharmacy. We are aware of the challenges being presented to pharmacies and will take these into account. We intend to serve our pharmacy community as a resource and show pharmacies the support they deserve during this difficult time.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted by COVID-19. We would like to commend the continued efforts of pharmacists, pharmacy staff, and other healthcare workers on the front lines providing excellent care for patients throughout the State of Georgia. Pharmacists and other healthcare workers should continue to monitor websites such as those for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Pharmacopeia, Georgia State Board of Pharmacy, and Food and Drug Administration to help make the most appropriate decisions for patient care. We believe that our healthcare community will adapt and overcome during this epidemic.

Please do not hesitate to call our office if you have questions or if we can assist in any way.


Dennis  M. Troughton Sr., Pharm D/ RPh

Director, Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency